Welcome to the San Francisco chapter of Legal Professionals, Incorporated®

Afternoon Tea

Upcoming Events

Our Mission

San Francisco Legal Professionals Association (SFLPA) is a non-profit organization that strives to provide beginning and continuing education opportunities for Legal Secretaries, Paralegals, Clerical and other legal support  professionals who work or live in San Francisco.

SFLPA  arranges a variety of  training programs and live presentations designed to improve the quality of attorney support  throughout the legal sector including a Legal Secretary course at beginning and advanced  levels.   Law firms that support  membership and  participation by their support staffs, benefit through increased knowledge of current court procedures and  a better understanding of specific areas of practice by each participating staff member contributing to the success of their firm.

Membership Functions

SFLPA offers a variety of educational and  professional development  programs; career advancement opportunities; networking with other legal professionals; MCLE and CLS credit; special guest speaker presentations by local state and federal court judges; mock trials; private tours of San Francisco courthouses; fund-raising events garnering support from local law firms; and participation in Bay Area charity events like Aids Walk, Dress for Success, and Foster Kids Drive.