Membership will be available again on May 1, 2025. Please check back then.
You do not have to be a member of San Francisco Legal Professional Association (“SFLPA”) to come to our Member Meetings or enroll in any of our educational programs. As a member you will receive a variety of benefits including:
- Discounted rates for all SFLPA educational programs and events – in some cases, at no charge to our members only.
- Automatic membership to our parent-state organization, Legal Professional Incorporated (“LPI”) which offers webinars and legal section classes at discounted rates to its members.
- Free subscriptions to “The Legal Secretary” magazine published by LPI and our very own bulletin “The Hearsay.” – both containing interesting articles and informative topics relevant to the ever changing aspects of the legal profession.
There are two categories of SFLPA Membership: Active and Associate. When joining for the first time as well as for renewing membership for subsequent fiscal years, the following requirements apply by membership category:
Active Membership:
- You are currently employed by or have at least one year experience, including temporary or freelance work, with a law firm, the legal department of a private company or government entity, a courthouse or other company that is legally entitled to provide legal advice and counseling to the public; ;employed by any business which provides legal support services
- Have attended at least one SFLPA function;
- Submit with your application dues in the amount of $80.00 for the first fiscal year of membership. $70.00 for renewal. New active memberships from January 1 through March 14 are prorated to $60.00.
Associate/Student Membership:
- You are a student enrolled in a legal trade school or currently attend college and are enrolled in legal classes; are temporarily between jobs in the legal profession; or are actively seeking employment in the legal field.
- Have attended at least one SFLPA function.
- Submit with your application dues in the amount of $60.00 per fiscal year. $50.00 for renewal.
All first year applicants are required to submit an Active or Associate application along with the corresponding membership dues before they can be recommended for accepted membership.
Active membership renewal $70.00 annually after the first year.
Associate/Student Membership renewal is $50.00 annually after the first year.