Last updated May 4, 2021

Soar to Your Highest Potential through Education and Community
Dear Valuable Members:
Welcome to the new fiscal year! It is my honor to serve you as San Francisco Legal Professionals Association President for another year. SFLPA is now entering its 85th year. Adapting to confirm to the changes in our environment is what gives our organization strength and longevity. Last year threw us some unprecedented surprises. Our ability to work together to adapt, and continue to find a way to bring events to our members while being isolated and separated at home, is one of the reasons we are still standing strong. Now that we have built the strength and endurance, it’s time to soar.
You all have a wealth of potential! If you are taking the time to read this President’s message, it’s because care enough about developing and advancing yourself and your skills. You are interested in connecting and dedicated to learning what you need to know to succeed and are part of an organization that will support you. You seek the knowledge it takes to commit to the success of your profession. Those are all qualities of someone with a great amount of potential!
Knowledge is empowering. SFLPA has so many educational events to offer its members. Legal professionals can continue to learn the most recent updates to adapt to the constant and changing demands in our legal community by reading our Hearsay, attending monthly Brown Bags, visiting our website, and meeting and networking with other members. In addition to all that SFLPA has to offer, our parent organization, Legal Professionals, Inc., has an abundance of ongoing education, beginning legal secretaries classes, a chance to become a California Certified Legal Secretary, training videos and endless opportunities to build its members professionally.
Last year I learned the value of community. San Francisco Legal Professionals Association is a community and a positive place to learn and feel safe about admitting that you that you do not know something – that is what we are here for. We are here to learn and teach and support each other.
When I was first new to SFLPA, I remember working with a demanding attorney. I remember being very scared and stressed because I thought I would fail. I called the then President Chris Flores, who had over 30 years of experience as a legal secretary. She comforted me and told me how she had worked for so many difficult attorneys and assured me that everything will be ok. When I thanked her, she said, “I will always be available.” I think that sums up the spirit of SFLPA, we are all here and available.
SFLPA is committed to diversity. In the upcoming year, SFLPA will be more proactive in showing our support for diversity. Vice President, Jenny Ha, will be leading a committee that will be dedicated to supporting the diverse culture, which is one of the traits of San Francisco that makes it such a beautiful and unique city.
Again, I am looking forward to the new year and all the upcoming events SFLPA will be bringing to its members. Together, let’s make this year a success; let’s all soar to our highest potential!
How do we SOAR?
S – Step out of your Comfort Zone
O – Opportunity to Grow
A – Act with Accountability
R – Rise to the Occasion